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1. 전법규, 김성완, 윤다운, 주부석, 유진석 _ 다중 적층형 금속 벨로우즈 신축관이음의 내진성능 시험 _ 한국복합신소재구조학회 논문집 _ Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 9-17, August 2022
2. 김성완, 윤다운, 전법규, 김성도 _강재 배관 Tee의 한계상태 평가를 위한 손상지수의 적용 _ 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회_ Vol. 26, No. 4, August 2022, pp.30-39
3. 윤다운, 전법규, 장성진, 박동욱, 김성완_ 변형각의 측정 위치에 따른 6인치 탄소강관엘보의 파괴 기준_ 한국지진공학회 논문집_Vol. 26 No. 1, p.13-22
4. 전법규, 김성완, 윤다운, 주부석, 유진석_저주기 피로를 고려한 3ply 벨로즈형 신축관이음의 내진성능 실험_한국소음진동공학회 논문집_Vol. 32 No.5 p.479~487
5. 전법규, 김성완, 윤다운, 주부석, 유진석_금속 벨로우즈 신축관이음의 저온조건 내진성능에 대한 실험적 연구_ 한국복합신소재구조학회 논문집_Vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 31-38, Dec ember 2022
6. 전호경, 백은림, 이상호_ 수평비정형을 갖는 필로티 RC골조에 대한 비선형 지진응답해석_대한건축학회연합논문집_제24권 제2호 통권 108호
7. 박광명, 김인태, 최영택, 유훈, 정영수_공용환경을 고려한 해상 강교량의 비래염분과 부착염분 특성 _한국강구조학회 논문집_Vol.34, No.6, pp.373-381, December, 2022
1. Sang-Moon Lee, Bub-Gyu Jeon, Woo-Young Jung_ Evaluation of vibration characteristics according to changes in the fixing conditions of the electrical cabinet in power plants under an earthquake Earthquakes and Structures_ Vol. 23, No.3, September, 2022, pp. 245-257,
2. Sangmu Bae, Jinhwan Oh, Jaemin Kim, Eun-Rim Baek, Yujin Nam_ Energy performance analysis of textile and capillary tube composite panel system by computational fluid dynamics and real-scale experiments_Energy & Buildings Vol. 258, March 2022, pp.111825
3. Sung-Wan Kim, Da-Woon Yun, Sung-Jin Chang, Dong-Uk Park, Jae-Bong Park _ Dynamic Stability Assessment of High-Speed Railway Bridges Using Numerical Model Updating_ Applied Sciences_ Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 3948.
4. E. Baek, D.A. Pohoryles, S. Kallioras, D.A. Bournas, H. Choi, T. Kim _ Innovative seismic and energy retrofitting of wall envelopes using prefabricated textile-reinforced concrete panels with an embedded capillary tube system_ Engineering Structures_ Vol.265, June 2022, pp. 114453
5. Sung-Wan Kim, Da-Woon Yun, Dong-Uk Park, Sung-Jin Chang, Jae-Bong Park_ Vehicle Load Estimation Using the Reaction Force of a Vertical Displacement Sensor Based on Fiber Bragg Grating_ Sensors_ Vol.22, Feburaury 2022, pp.1572
6. Gwanghee Heo, Chunggil Kim, Eunrim Baek, Wunggon Jeon_ Systems to prevent the load resistance loss of pallet racks exposed to cyclic external force_ Structural Engineering and Mechanics_ Vol.83, No.6, July 2022, pp.745-756
7. Sung-Wan Kim, Da-Woon Yun, Bub-Gyu Jeon, Jae-Bong Kim_ Seismic performance evaluation of a vertical pipe connected with rigid groove joints using a system and a component_ Structures_Vol. 36, February, 2022, pp. 691-702.
8. In-Tae Kim, Ki-Hyuk Cha, Young-Soo Jeong, An-Seob Shin_ Visual Inspection of the Heavy-Duty Paint Systems Used in Steel Bridges for Assessing the Level of Fire Damage _ coatings_ Vol12. No.11, November 2022, pp.1697
9. Bub-Gyu Jeon, Sung-Wan Kim, Da-Woon Yun, Bu-Seog Ju, Ho-Young Son_ An Experimental Study on Seismic Performance Evaluation of Multi-Ply Bellows Type Expansion Joint for Piping Systems_sustainability _Vol. 14, No. 22, November, 2022, pp. 14777
10. Shinyoung Kwag, Seunghyun Eem, Jinsung Kwak, Hwanho Lee, Jinho Oh, Gyeong-Hoi Koo, Sungjin Chang, Bubgyu Jeon_ Shaking table test and numerical analysis of nuclear piping under lowand high-frequency earthquake motions_ Nuclear Engineering & Technology Vol. 54, March, 2022 pp. 3361-3379
11. Young-Bae Kim, Kyra Kamille Toledo, Young-Soo Jeong, Si-Yun Song, In-Tae Kim _Residual compressive strength of locally corroded intermediate tubular steel columns_ Engineering Failure Analysis_ Vol.138, April 2022, pp.106375
12. Bub-Gyu Jeon, Sung-Wan Kim, Da-Woon Yun, Daegi Hahm, Seunghyun Eem_ Seismic Fragility Evaluation of Main Steam Piping of Isolated APR1400 NPP Considering the Actual Failure Mode_ sustainability_ Vol. 14, No. 14, July, 2022, 8315.
13. Bu-Seog Ju ,Bub-Gyu Jeon, Sung-Wan Kim, Ho-Young Son_ Validation of Seismic Performance of Stainless Press-to-Connect Piping System under Cyclic Loadings_ Applied Sciences_ Vol. 12, April, 2022, 3896
14. Nakhyun Chun, Bubgyu Jeon, Sungwan Kim, Sungjin Chang, Suwon Son_ Seismic response evaluation of 154 kV transformer porcelain bushing by shaking table tests_ Structural Engineering and Mechanics_ Vol. 84, No. 2 (2022) 155-165
15. Young-Soo Jeong, Seung-Hyun Eem, Bub-Gyu Jeon, Dong-Uk Park_ Evaluation of Structural and Functional Behavior of Battery Charger for Low/High-Frequency Motions in NPP_ Applied Sciences_ Vol. 12, pp. 4328, April 2022.
16. Joon-Il Ryu, Bub-Gyu Jeon, Ho-Young Son, Bu-Seog Ju_ Application of Seismic Fragility of Buried Piping Systems with Bellows Expansion Joints_ sustainability_ Vol.14, No.24, pp.16756, December 2022.
17. Kyeong Seok Lee, Jin-Hee Ahn, Hae-Yong Park, Young-Deuk Seo, Suk Chan Kim_ Seismic Acceleration Estimation Method at Arbitrary Position Using Observations and Machine Learning_ KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering_ p.1-15, November 2022, DOI 10.1007/s12205-022-1235-6
수상 내역
1. 정영수, 박광명, 김인태, 해상 강교량의 비래염분과 부착염분 특성 평가, 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 우수논문발표상, 2022.04.07.
2. 전법규,김성완, Seismic fragility evaluation of the base-isolated nuclear power plant piping system using the failure criterion based on stress-strain, 한국원자력학회 학회지 우수논문상, 2022.10.20.
3. 전법규, 김성완, 윤다운, 주부석, 정우영, 마찰진자시스템이 적용된 전기캐비닛의 3축 진동대 시험에 의한 내진성능평가, 한국소음진동공학회 우수논문상, 2022.11.03.
4. 전법규, 김성완, 윤다운, 함대기, 김민규, Seismic Fragility Evaluation for Main Steam Line of Seismically Isolated APR1400 NPP, 한국원자력학회 2022년도 춘계학술발표회 우수포스터, 2022.06.03.